Author: JIM

  • Capability Based Planning

    Capability Based Planning

    What is Capability Based Planning? Let’s explore it with the help of a simple analogy of a log cabin on a lake. Read more

  • Getting your Technical Debt House Under Control

    Getting your Technical Debt House Under Control

    Everyone loves to complain about technical debt, but not all technical debt is created equal and tackling it can become a nightmare if we can’t find a clear path to resolving it. Here’s a simple analogy that will help your teams think about how to approach their technical debt. Read more

  • Developing Ubiquitous Languages

    Developing Ubiquitous Languages

    Eric Evans coined the term Ubiquitous Language in his excellent book “Domain Driven Design” and it means that we should align the language of the IT systems we build (and the developers who build it) with the language of the users who will use the software. While this seems like common-sense, and it should be… Read more

  • Introduction to Capability Maps

    Introduction to Capability Maps

    Capability maps are an incredibly useful tool from the field of Enterprise Architecture, but aren’t widely known outside of this discipline. A recent talk I gave with a room full of smart IT consultants revealed how only a small proportion of people working in the field of IT have worked with them (and many have… Read more

  • The C4 Model in Practice

    The C4 Model in Practice

    As an architect I use the C4 Model at lot. This article explores this modelling technique and looks at ways to get the most out of it. Read more

  • Getting Started with Strategic Business Planning

    Getting Started with Strategic Business Planning

    Companies of any significant size are complex organisms, potentially with many departments and a myriad of teams and personalities all working autonomously. How can we ensure that everybody works in an aligned way to achieve our business goals? By creating a business strategy of course! But how does one go about creating (and executing) such… Read more